Set Your Child Up for a Lifetime of Oral Health
At Barton Dental, we abide by the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” When it comes to your child’s dental wellness journey, the sooner they begin, the better the chance they will enjoy a lifetime of healthy teeth.
Our pediatric treatment program includes consistent dental checkups and routine teeth cleanings from an early age. This process not only integrates good oral health practices into your child’s life, but also helps to relieve dental anxiety by introducing the dentist as a normal part of life during their formative years.
Our specialists will work closely with you and your child throughout the early stages of their dental development to encourage good oral health practices, like brushing and flossing, as well as what foods to avoid. If any complications develop along the way, we’ll identify them early and address them before any lasting damage occurs.
Why Children’s Dental Care is So Important
But wait– why is children’s dental care so important to begin with? After all, baby teeth fall out anyway, right?
While it’s true that primary teeth are only temporary, this isn’t an excuse to neglect a child’s oral wellness. Issues that develop early on in a child’s dental development can create lifelong problems as well as short-term discomfort.
Poor Dental Health Hurts
Just like adult teeth, baby teeth can develop tooth decay. Cavities are often very painful and can lead to premature tooth loss and gum disease. In addition to the discomfort these conditions can cause your child, they can also be expensive to treat.
Baby Teeth Set the Stage for Adult Teeth
If baby teeth are ejected before they’re ready, the resulting gap leaves room for teeth to shift around, leading to crowded or crooked teeth and misaligned bites. Maintaining strong, healthy baby teeth and healthy supportive tissue and gums gives adult teeth a strong start.
The Cornerstone of Confidence
Healthy teeth play a crucial role in a childs developing confidence and communication skills. Dental complications, missing teeth, or crooked teeth impact how they are able to express themselves and how they are perceived by their peers.
Teeth Condition Affects Healthy Eating Habits
Tooth pain or sensitivity can negatively affect a child’s eating habits. A child experiencing tooth discomfort may begin avoiding certain foods, chewing on one side of the mouth, or even avoiding eating altogether. The impacts can be as serious as malnourishment and uneven jaw development.
You Child’s First Appointment
A child’s first dental appointment is about more than examining teeth. As this will be a child’s initial introduction to the dentist’s office, the first appointment sets the tone for all future dental visits. Therefore, it is crucial that the child’s anxieties are addressed and a friendly rapport is established with their doctor.
Getting Comfortable
Before the examination begins, our specialist will take the time to put your child at ease by asking questions, getting to know them, and explaining what the examination is all about. If your child expresses any fears or concerns, our specialist will take the time to address them patiently, in simple terms to establish a trusting relationship before asking permission to take a quick peek at their teeth.
With special attention paid to children-specific oral health markers, the specialist will gently examine your child’s gums, tongue, teeth and overall health. During the exam, the specialist will keep an eye on the progress of their primary teeth and adult teeth. They will also make a note of any areas of concern or tricky spots that may need some extra attention at home or during future appointments.
Keeping You in the Loop
After the exam, the specialist will have some advice for both the young patient and their parent or guardian. Often, this advice includes extra tips and tricks to help with brushing those hard-to-reach spots at home. We’ll let you know if there are any problem areas that we plan to keep an eye on and what to look out for between appointments.
Contact us today
to schedule an initial consultation & exam.
Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.
Winner Of The Three Best Rated Award
Dr. Ameen is the winner of the 3 Best Cosmetic Dentists in Hamilton.