Welcome To Barton Dental - Hamilton

General Dentistry in Hamilton

We provide excellent dental care for a wide range of services, from teeth cleanings to full-mouth restorations.
Call 866-317-7498

Excellent Dental Care from A to Z

Regular dental care can extend the natural life of your teeth, and upkeep a good oral health. The role of regular visits to your dentist lies in that your dentist can spot the earliest signs of decay, and with prompt intervention, you can avoid invasive treatments and sky-high fees. Meanwhile restorative dental care can set you back on the right path and fix any teeth, gums, or oral health problems you may have. Here are the benefits of engaging in general dentistry:

Preventive Care:

  • Whiter-looking teeth without whitening
  • Problems detected by X-rays before they cause any damage
  • No bleeding gums
  • Composite fillings that stop cavities from spreading and growing
  • Reduced temperature sensitivity
  • Prevent or reverse tooth decay
  • Increased lifespan of prosthetics or appliances

Restorative Dentistry:

  • Avoid infections to your natural teeth
  • Natural-looking replacements for missing teeth
  • Restore natural appearance to damaged teeth
  • Customized prosthetics or appliances
  • Higher quality of life with better sleep
  • Eat without worrying about your teeth

Our General Dentistry services

Composite Fillings

Dental fillings are essential for halting the progression of cavities and preventing further damage to teeth. White fillings are particularly beneficial as they match the natural colour of teeth, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Dental Bonding

A chipped or discoloured tooth shouldn’t keep you from smiling. Improve your confidence with a simple and painless procedure. Find out how dental bonding can enhance your smile today.

Dental Bridges

Restore gaps and replace missing teeth with a custom-made dental prosthetic permanently bonded in place.

Dental Crowns

Restore teeth and improve overall tooth health with our custom-made dental crowns. We also offer same-day crowns.

Dental Extractions

Tooth extraction is a routine procedure that can be performed with minimal pain or discomfort.

Dental Implants

Regain your smile and confidence with dental implants, a lasting and natural-looking solution for missing teeth.


Revitalize Your Smile with Dentures in Hamilton

Root Canal

Root canal treatments can alleviate your discomfort and preserve your natural tooth before it reaches a critical stage.

Same-Day Crowns

Leave temporary crowns in the past! Experience the convenience of a custom-made crown, perfectly tailored to your smile, all in just one appointment.

Teeth Cleanings

The most effective methods to prevent gum disease and tooth decay are regular checkups and cleanings. We recommend scheduling dental visits every 6 to 8 months, as it’s the best way to avoid the sudden onset of dental pain and unexpected expenses.

The benefits of prompt intervention and regular dental care

Keep your teeth in your mouth and your money in your pocket. Our goal and top priority are for you to keep your natural teeth, and never need our advanced and invasive treatments. They key to achieving that goal is through routine dental care, which keeps your teeth and gums healthy, and helps you avoid expensive and invasive treatments.

A longer lifespan for your natural teeth

In young adults the most common cause for tooth loss is cavities. And in older adults – gum disease. An excellent way to avoid these problems is to practice good oral hygiene habits at home. Meanwhile, early signs of decay or gum disease will be detected at your routine exams and fixed before any damage is done.

Save your money

When it comes to money – teeth cleanings and exams, as well as composite fillings for early-stage decay, are both relatively low-cost. This makes them a much better option compared to invasive and complex treatments, at a higher price tag.

Ignorance is bliss

The best indicator of good oral health is not knowing about it. When your teeth are healthy – you don’t have to be aware of your smile or breath, you don’t feel any pain, you don’t have to put off delicious foods. Regular checkups offer you that peace of mind.

Contact us today

to schedule an initial consultation & exam.

Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.

Welcome To Barton Dental - Hamilton

Winner Of The Three Best Rated Award

Dr. Ameen is the winner of the 3 Best Cosmetic Dentists in Hamilton.

Frequently Asked Questions

In a routine dental checkup, your teeth will be cleaned and examined for any signs of disease. This procedure helps to remove plaque that is stuck on, as well as tartar that builds up despite regularly brushing and flossing. It also allows your dental team to monitor other aspects of your oral health, and direct attention to any problematic areas.

Cavities are caused by bacteria living on small pieces of food that’s caught up in between teeth or gums. As a result of the bacteria multiplying, an acidic byproduct is produced, and this acidic byproduct weakens the enamel. This process gets even worse if you’re on a sugar-high diet, or if you use a lot of coffee, soda, or other acidic drinks and foods.

One reason could be genetical predisposition to more cavities. Another could be overcrowded teeth which are harder to keep clean. But regardless, you can still maintain good oral health by engaging in quality oral hygiene and having good eating habits.

A cavity or decay can eat through your tooth without you feeling or knowing anything, and it get suddenly horrible when it reaches the nerve. So, yes. A filling is necessary because by the time there is pain – the problem just got a whole lot worse.

With routine cleanings, tooth decay can be prevented or even reversed. For early signs of decay, fluoride or composite fillings are effective treatments. More advanced decay in teeth can be treated with natural-looking crowns, or dental veneers. In cases when the tooth is almost entirely lost – it can be extracted and replaced with an implant or bridge. The exact treatment will depend on your particular case.

Functional treatments are ok. This includes teeth cleanings which are 100% safe and recommended. More invasive treatments like a root canal may be required in case of a dental emergency, like an infection. However, cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening should be postponed until after the baby arrives.

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Composite Fillings

Teeth Cleanings

Comfortable and COVID-19 Safe Experience

    Welcome To Barton Dental - Hamilton

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